Erasmus plus staff
training è un ottimo strumento di crescita professionale, che favorisce il
processo di internazionalizzazione creando opportunità di utili ed interessanti
esperienze lavorative e lo stabilirsi di contatti per future collaborazioni. Ho
sperimentato personalmente come sia anche uno strumento di crescita personale,
certamente con riguardo all’implementazione delle capacità linguistiche, ma
anche con riferimento alla comprensione delle realtà
socio-politico-istituzionali di paesi dell’Unione, che diamo per scontate ma
che meritano invece di essere conosciute meglio ed approfondite.
Erasmus plus staff
training is an excellent opportunity for professional development, which
promotes the internationalization process by interesting work experience and
the establishment of contacts for future collaborations. I personally
experienced how it is also a good way for personal growth, certainly with
regard to the implementation of the language skills, but also with regard to
the understanding of the socio-political and institutional EU countries.

I had the
possibility to have a day tour to visit
Northern Ireland, included a tour of the hundreds of murals dotted about
Belfast, both in Republican North and West Belfast and Loyalist South Belfast.
A local guide took us on a journey around the city explaining the highs and
lows, through personal experiences of Belfast’s polical history, exploring up
close the world famous political murals depicting “the Troubles” and the Peace
Wall dividing the Protestant Unionist and Catholic Nationalist communities.

We signed our name on the Peace
Wall, leaving our thoughts alongside that of DALAI LAMA. The way is still long
to break down the personal barriers of which physical barriers express fear of difference.
divisioni e le barriere si annullano però grazie allo sport: nord e sud,
protestanti e cattolici giocano uniti per la propria nazione ad esempio nel
rugby, sotto la
giurisdizione della Irish Rugby Football Union e si riconoscono in una speciale
bandiera, lo “shamrock”, un trifoglio che simboleggia in modo generico
l’Irlanda intesa come isola, cantando tutti un unico inno, “Ireland’s Call”, pronti
a lottare spalla contro spalla, una squadra insieme per l’Irlanda. Sport
dunque come mezzo di inclusione !
and barriers disappear completely thanks to sport: north and
south, Protestants and Catholics play
rugby together. Rugby operates under the jurisdiction of the Irish Rugby Football Union, which is identified by a special
flag, the "shamrock",
a clover that symbolizes
generically Ireland as an island. The united hymn of the National Irish
rugby is "Ireland's Call", one team together
for Ireland. Sport as a Means of Inclusion!
Carla Tonin
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